Season 10 Episode 37: What’s The Plan? Laying Your Retirement Foundation with Jim Magadanz

Figuring out who’s picking up the tab is hard enough, let alone trying to figure out what your retirement is going to look like for you and your partner! Jim, Magadanz, financial planner, talks with Dr. April about how important it is have those difficult financial conversations early on.

To learn more about Jim, go to

Improving Intimacy: Self, Spirit, and Spouse by Dr. April Brown can help you lay down the proper foundations to bring up financial conversation! Now available on Amazon, Audible, and Kindle at 1EB5-4AFE-BF36-FA493E4A718C 


Season 10 Episode 38: Marketing Your Genius with Nikki Nash


Season 10 Episode 36: Intimacy Around The World with Michael O’Brien