Ep. 9: Hey, where did you go to school?

Hey nice to meet you! I’m Desiree Jones or Dez for Short and welcome to the podcast that teaches you how to establish your network and maintain relationships both on and off your screen.  

Today’s Topic?  Hey, where did you go to school?

From Pre-K to College, where you go to school can be a key component to building new relationships. Whether it be private, public, boarding school, charter school, education is not only the foundation for learning but also the foundation for long term friendships and connections.


Reading is fundamental, and it’s very important to continue to make it a habit. If you prefer audio books that’s fine, but something about the touch of a book and the flip of a page just brings solitude to the mind. So with that, today’s book I’d like to shout out first is….

Woman Evolve by Sarah Jakes Roberts


If this resonated with you, let us know! Give us a review, share this with your friends. Make sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other platforms. I hope these takeaways take you to greatness. It was nice meeting you, thank you for listening and shine bright.


Ep. 10: Hey, I’m broke


Ep. 8: Hey, are you going to the event?